Range extender for EV's

This project was the result of the Master course Electric Vehilce System Design. BATPACK is a battery pack on wheels that can extent the range of an electric vehicle. It is implemented in the bottom of a trailer, which can be reserved and unlocked with an app. The use case would be longer road-trips for vacation purposes, where the trailer can also hold extra luggage.

It is a conceptual design that focuses primarily on technical feasibility. Using the common CAN-bus interface of electric vehicles, the trailer and car can communicate, and the trailer’s battery can charge the car’s battery when necessary.

As a deliverable, an interactive model was made to give insight to the relation between technical specifications and input parameters. This model was made in the form of a website, which can be seen here:

* interactive frame! For the full version, visit this link

My contribution was primarily on concept generation, design and working out the functional flow from a system engineering perspective. I also programmed the interactive model using JavaScript, Svelte and Chart.js.

Goals of this project:

  • Explain the principles of operation of Electric and Hybrid vehicle components.
  • Model and reason about (hybrid) electric vehicle architectures and their consequences.
  • Create a system design in the field of electric mobility.